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The Track Sensor incorporates an infrared sensor which detects a train going over it and the output can be used to control and display occupancy for other products in the Layout Link Family - this new Plus version also has additional outputs for direct connection to LEDs and other non-Layout Link items and is supplied with an LED and comprehensive instructions.

A Track Sensor is located next to the track and features a built in infrared sensor which senses a train passing and easily links to and controls a range of Layout Link products using just a single wire which plugs in - no soldering required.

Note: The original ST1 Track Sensor has been superseded by this ST10 which does all ST1 functions plus 4 additional outputs for LED train, occupancy, spark effects etc.

Although the ST10 is designed to just clip or wire into OO/HO track, it can also be used with N Gauge track. To achive this, a small piece of sleeper needs to be cut away from the track to allow the sensor to sit near the rails.


You can use a Track Sensor to:

  • Link to a Mimic Switch or Light to show trains passing or locations
  • Link to a Sensor Signal to change the following block section signal status
  • Control a Ground Position shunt signal to change as the train passes
  • Change a Semaphore signal automatically using the SC300 Dapol controller
  • Trigger the LC10 / LCN10 Level Crossing lights and sounds when a Train approaches


New Track Sensor Plus features:

  • Track Sensor plus features additional solder terminal outputs to link directly to devices such as LED (included), solid state relay, computers (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Arduino).


The 4 additional outputs on the ST10 Plus version are:

  • Output as a train passes over sensor with occupancy when linked with other Track Sensors or Sensor Signals
  • Output pulses as train passes over sensor with occupancy when linked with other Track Sensors or Sensor Signals
  • Random flashes as train passes - like sparking from electric trains or a photographer
  • Turns on and off between alternate trains

Track Sensor+ with LED

£28.50 Regular Price
£25.65Sale Price
Available to Pre-Order

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